Innovative Solutions

Our goal is to change this status quo. To give more patients the option of dental implants. To deliver new innovative instruments, protocols, and products that set a new standard in patient comfort through minimally invasive implant dentistry.

Bone Centric

We created bone quality centric curriculum and protocols

Advanced Engineering

We engineered the instrumentation for bone quality management

Innovative Tools

We designed surgical kits, restorative kits, osteotome kits and sinus lift kits

Seamless Simplicity

We reduced the numbers of parts and pieces

Easy Implementation

We improved the implant carrier and the implant packaging

Resource Access

We established lab partnerships that will provide digital workflow and guided surgery

After more that 30 years of implant treatments, they are unquestionably recognized as the best solution for missing teeth.

Dental Implantology has slowly evolved over the years. For decades the support structure, materials, implants, and equipment have made slow advances. In some circles people have now concluded “an-implant-is-an-implant-is-an-implant, they all work the same“.

Dental Implantology has slowly evolved over the years. For decades the support structure, materials, implants, and equipment have made slow advances. In some circles people have now concluded “an-implant-is-an-implant-is-an-implant, they all work the same“. We challenge this status quo thinking with fresh ideas and re-imagined implants that are based on dramatically different thinking. We are accelerating the advancement of implantology with fresh-new solidly engineered concepts. We re-examined everything about the dental implant industry from training and support, to instrumentation, including implants and thread designs. We then created products and services to fill in the gaps and missing pieces to better serve implant patients and dentists needs. We have expanded the treatment options for patients who wouldn’t qualify for implants based upon previous designs.

Contact us

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Innobiosurg of Europe


57 boulevard Marius Vivier Merle 69003 Lyon, France

Tel : 04 81 09 17 01

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